AT&T (E-commerce)

AT&T was interested in selling more bundled products as opposed to single products. They wanted to reexamine the purchase flows for bundles vs single products to try and increase sales of product bundles.

– We needed to study the customer paths through the products and identify any obstacles to bundle sales.
– Decided to design several possible solutions and test them against each other using multivariate analysis.

– Studied the website analytics to see where customers were falling out of the bundled product order funnel.
– Studied the existing user experience to identify wording changes and user path changes that may increase bundle sales.

– Created flow diagrams to show the new paths through AT&T products that we wanted to design and test.
– Designed three variations of the bundle order flow for multivariate testing.
– After user testing results came back, I made modifications and we settled on a final design.

– The new design resulted in a significant increase in sales of bundled products.